Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance

Multi Trip coverage for travelers frequently travelling away from home.

Annual multi trip travel medical insurance plans are meant for frequent travelers taking trips with durations of 30 days, 45 days, or 70 days. Coverage is worldwide, excluding your home country. These plans are available to business executives who make frequent trips to different destinations throughout the year, families taking annual multi trip holidays, or anyone that wants to combine coverage to meet their personal and professional needs for worldwide annual multi trip insurance.

Obtener cotizaciones

    Patriot Multi-Trip

    Asegurador: SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation


    Within PPO/Outside US/Outside Canada: After deductible, plan pays 100% to policy maximum.
    Outside PPO: After deductible, plan pays 80% of the first $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.

    Facturación directa

    • Included

    Atlas MultiTrip

    Asegurador: Lloyds of London


    Within PPO/Outside U.S.: After deductible, plan pays 100% to policy maximum.
    Otherwise: After deductible, plan pays Usual, Reasonable and Customary to policy maximum.
    *Exception for US-Urgent Care: Deductible waived, $25 copay; unless $0 deductible. Coinsurance still applies.

    Facturación directa

    • Included

    GlobeHopper® Senior Multi-Trip

    Asegurador: SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation


    Después del deducible, el plan paga el 100% hasta el máximo de la póliza.
    • Included

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